2025-2026 Shepton PTSA Board Interest Form


Shepton PTSA thanks you for your interest in serving on our board! It takes many volunteers to keep our PTSA running smoothly, and we appreciate your willingness to participate.

Please select one or more of the positions below in which you would be interested. Your information will be forwarded to the Nominating Committee. Committee members will take all interested volunteers into consideration when selecting volunteers for each position.  


Shepton PTSA officer positions will be elected by our membership at our Shepton PTSA General Membership Meeting in February. 


If you have a question about a specific position, please contact our Parliamentarian at parliamentarian@sheptonptsa.org. Thank you!

To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

You should have access to this email account and be able to receive emails related to this volunteering opportunity.

It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.
PTA/PTSA Information

Are you a current Shepton PTSA board member? Are you new to Shepton PTSA and want to get involved? Let us know below! 

I am a *current* Shepton PTSA board member and . . .
Please let us know if you would like to return in your current chair position or are interested in a new position. Then, select your preferences in the next section.
would like to return for a 2nd term in my current position
3 signed up.

would like to return in a new position
3 signed up.

am open to either returning in my current position or moving to a new position
2 signed up.

will not be returning to Shepton next year
0 signed up.

I am *not* a Shepton PTSA board member, but would like to serve
Please select any positions below in which you are interested.
5 signed up.

Shepton PTSA Executive Board Officer Positions

The following Shepton PTSA officer positions will be elected by our membership at our Shepton PTSA General Membership Meeting in February. 


Please note: Although the Parliamentarian position is an officer position, this position is not part of the officer elections and will be appointed by the President-Elect following the officer elections. 

Coordinates the work of the officers and committee chairs. Presides at all meetings of the association, and represents the local unit as a delegate to Plano ISD Council of PTAs, Texas PTA, and National PTA.
0 signed up.

1st VP - Programs
Acts as aide to the President. Plans and oversees parent and student PTSA meeting programs, including Reflections and the Shepton Alumni Scholarship.
0 signed up.

2nd VP - Volunteers
Organizes and coordinates all volunteer programs and activities, including Shepton Back-to-School schedule pickup and Shepton Step Out events.
0 signed up.

3rd VP - Membership
Responsible for promoting membership in Shepton PTSA for parents, faculty members, and students. Records membership information and submits roster to Texas PTA each month. Chairs committee to select Texas PTA life members.
1 signed up.

4th VP - Ways & Means
Organizes and coordinates all fundraising activities and promotes our fundraising strategy within the community.
0 signed up.

Records minutes of all board and general membership meetings, notifies board members of upcoming meetings, and keeps attendance records.
1 signed up.

Acts as custodian of all PTSA funds, maintains all bank records, and presents financial statements at each board and membership meeting, and prepares tax returns for year served. Also serves as Shepton PTSA Budget Committee chair.
0 signed up.

Chairs yearly bylaws/standing rules review committee. Calls for annual nominating committee and provides committee with required information on the nomination and election process. Attends all PTSA meetings and is up-to-date on Shepton PTSA parliamentary procedure to ensure that business is conducted properly.
2 signed up.

Shepton PTSA Executive Board Standing Committee Chairs

The following positions are voting members of the Shepton PTSA Executive Board.  These positions will be appointed by the President-Elect with approval of the newly-elected officers following the Shepton PTSA Officer Elections in February. 

Attends PISD school board meetings and communicates details at PTSA board meetings; reports on PISD and Texas legislative issues; promotes and participates in Texas PTA’s advocacy events.
0 signed up.

Casserole Day
Works closely with Staff Appreciation Chair to coordinate Casserole Day event; organizes, orders, packages, and delivers casseroles to staff during Staff Appreciation Week; solicits donations from parents and community members.
3 signed up.

Copy Room
Coordinates with the Shepton Office Manager to assist with staff copying requests; recruits volunteers to fulfill staff copying requests at a frequency agreed upon (at least weekly).
1 signed up.

Frankford Middle School Liaison
Communicates, distributes, and publishes information between Frankford and Shepton, including parent programs and board interest forms.
2 signed up.

Coordinates activities including the welcome back staff luncheon, winter holiday luncheon, end of year staff luncheon, and any meet the administration events.
0 signed up.

Encourages Shepton families and faculty to subscribe to the PTSA newsletter; coordinates information to be distributed through the PTSA newsletter and Shepton school newsletter; sends special newsletters as directed by the president or PTSA chairs.
1 signed up.

Plano West Sr. High Liaison
Communicates, distributes, and publishes information between Plano West and Shepton, including parent programs and board interest forms.
1 signed up.

PTA Council Delegate
Attends monthly Plano ISD Council of PTA’s delegate meetings; reports information at association meetings; reports and/or votes as directed by the PTSA membership at the Council PTA meeting.
0 signed up.

Coordinates and promotes the National PTA Reflections Program. Selects and submits advancing entries to the Plano ISD Council of PTAs.
1 signed up.

Renner Middle School Liaison
Communicates, distributes, and publishes information between Renner and Shepton, including parent programs and board interest forms.
3 signed up.

School Supplies
Coordinates with Shepton staff to identify necessary supplies and materials; coordinates the ordering, packaging, and pricing of school supplies to be sold online and at the back-to-school family orientation event; works with the counseling department to donate school supplies utilizing supply donation income as available.
1 signed up.

Shepton High School Alumni Scholarship
Oversees, promotes, and administers the Shepton High School Alumni Scholarship, including obtaining all applications.
2 signed up.

Social Media
Coordinates information to be posted to current PTSA social media outlets (Facebook and Instagram); responds to inquiries generated through those outlets.
1 signed up.

Spirit Wear
Works with staff, students, and board to select spirit wear designs and items; coordinates the ordering, packaging, and pricing of spirit wear to be sold online and at the back-to-school family orientation event and other events as needed to maximize sales.
0 signed up.

Staff Appreciation
Plans, organizes, and implements all activities during Staff Appreciation Week; works with Casserole Day Chair to distribute staff casseroles; solicits any needed donations from parents and community members.
0 signed up.

Staff Birthdays
Coordinates birthday treats to recognize staff birthdays each month.
3 signed up.

Student Events
Organizes, sets up, and sells concessions at student luncheons (i.e. Step Out); coordinates publicity for activities, accomplishments, funding needs, and student organizations needs through PTSA communications. Works with Student Council and other student organizations as necessary.
1 signed up.

Maintains and updates PTSA website and online calendar; responds to all webmaster emails generated from the PTSA website; updates all PTSA email forwarders to link to current board members; creates and monitors sales and volunteer forms through Membership Toolkit.
1 signed up.

Board Member Recommendations

If you would like to recommend someone to be considered for the 2025-2026 Shepton PTSA board, you can add their contact information below or contact parliamentarian@sheptonptsa.org.

Additional Recommendations
I would like to recommend the following volunteers for the Shepton PTSA Board
0 signed up.