2024-2025 Shepton PTSA Board & Chairs

Have an idea or suggestion to share with the Shepton PTSA board? Contact us at one of the following email addresses below. 


Position Name Shepton PTSA Email
President Ashley Hamilton president@sheptonptsa.org
1st VP - Programs Tara Kesler programs@sheptonptsa.org
2nd VP - Volunteers Rosie Rodriguez volunteers@sheptonptsa.org
3rd VP - Membership Directory Hilary Dietz membership@sheptonptsa.org
4th VP - Ways and Means Open ways@sheptonptsa.org
Secretary Sharon Ginchansky secretary@sheptonptsa.org
Treasurer Kim Bolos treasurer@sheptonptsa.org
Parliamentarian Robin Henne parliamentarian@sheptonptsa.org
Casseroles Brandi Stevens casseroles@sheptonptsa.org
Copy Room Salima Haddad copyroom@sheptonptsa.org
Community Open community@sheptonptsa.org
Diversity Open diversity@sheptonptsa.org
Hospitality Ritu Gupta hospitality@sheptonptsa.org
Legislative Misty Byerly legislative@sheptonptsa.org
Newsletter Tracy Duchouquette newsletter@sheptonptsa.org
Outreach Open outreach@sheptonptsa.org
PTA Council Delegate Tina Tang delegate@sheptonptsa.org
Reflections Sharon Ginchansky reflections@sheptonptsa.org
School Supplies Stella Heidman supplies@sheptonptsa.org
Social Media Amanda Whittenburg socialmedia@sheptonptsa.org
Spirit Wear Open spiritwear@sheptonptsa.org
Staff Birthday Coordinator Molly Bunker staffbirthday@sheptonptsa.org
Student Organization Liaison Amy Wheaton studentorgs@sheptonptsa.org 
Teacher Appreciation Week Edna Solano appreciation@sheptonptsa.org
Website and Calendar Tracy Duchouquette webmaster@sheptonptsa.org
Plano West Liaison Kara Grimes planowest@sheptonptsa.org
Frankford Liaison Fatana Mazoch frankford@sheptonptsa.org
Renner Liaison Kathy Pitts renner@sheptonptsa.org


Shepton High School Administration

Principal: Courtney Washington


Assistant Principals:

  • Megan Calisto - Alpha (A-E)
  • Brian Vincer - Alpha (F-Lis)
  • Tiffany Alexander - Alpha (Lit-Roc)
  • John Williams - Alpha (Rod-Z)


Tip Line Resources

See something, say something! Shepton Families, please encourage and empower your students to speak up and report any illegal or unsafe activity that they may witness on campus. Let's all work together to keep Shepton safe for everyone!

Use this Plano Campus Crime Stoppers link to submit an anonymous tip to report any illegal activities, including student vaping. Or, scan the QR code in the image to go directly to the Shepton High School tip form.

Plano ISD maintains a tip line to allow parents, students, and community members to report concerns affecting our campuses. This includes threats, bullying, drug use, suspected abuse or neglect, and any number of other concerns that may affect the physical safety or health of our students. 

Learn more about the Tip Line here! Or, scan the QR code in the image to go directly to the Shepton High School tip line page.