Noche de Padres: Spanish Newcomer Night



Shepton HS se complace en anunciar un evento de Noche para padres de alumnos de nuevo ingreso de aqui de Shepton totalmente en español el martes 28 de noviembre de 6:30 a 7:30 p.m. Este evento es específicamente para nuestras familias recién llegadas que hablan español y necesitan apoyo para acceder al Portal para padres,para revisar las asistencia y las calificaciones, conectarse a recursos comunitarios y ofrecer un apoyo más personalizado. ¡También se proporcionará cuidado de niños y refrigerios!


Shepton HS is excited to announce a Shepton Parent Night event in Spanish on Tuesday, November 28th from 6:30-7:30pm. This event is specifically for our Newcomer Families who speak Spanish and need support in accessing Parent Portal to review attendance and grades, connecting to community resources, and to offer more personalized support. Childcare and snacks will also be provided!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Tip Line Resources

See something, say something! Shepton Families, please encourage and empower your students to speak up and report any illegal or unsafe activity that they may witness on campus. Let's all work together to keep Shepton safe for everyone!

Use this Plano Campus Crime Stoppers link to submit an anonymous tip to report any illegal activities, including student vaping. Or, scan the QR code in the image to go directly to the Shepton High School tip form.

Plano ISD maintains a tip line to allow parents, students, and community members to report concerns affecting our campuses. This includes threats, bullying, drug use, suspected abuse or neglect, and any number of other concerns that may affect the physical safety or health of our students. 

Learn more about the Tip Line here! Or, scan the QR code in the image to go directly to the Shepton High School tip line page.